
Jan 22 – Feb 18

SKU: CLG14 Category: Tag:


Those who are born under the sign of the Celtic month Luis are blessed with quickness of mind, inspiration, and a gift for communication of all kinds. The Rowan’s legendary ability to absorb a bolt of lightning has made it a tree of inspiration and power. The mighty Rowan is a reminder that nature and the land have powers to inspire and guide you. Special care must be given to honor both the realms of practicality and inspiration. The Dragon is a protector of the great Celtic treasure. The ancient Fire Dragon keeps the secrets and visions of the bards. The great treasure of the Dragon is the magical wisdom of the Druids. The great Celtic Festival of Fire, Imbolc is February 2nd.

Tree: Rowan
Symbol: Dragon

Additional information

Dimensions 2,3 × 2,3 cm