Atlantis (1)
Aztek Tesoro (3)
Witches Familiars (1)
Agate Horoscope (12)
Amber Magic & Ancient Baltic (20)
Ancient Symbols (40)
Anne Stokes Cabochons (15)
Carpe Noctum (11)
Crystal Keepers (12)
Engineerium (12)
Silver Myth (11)
Supernaturelles (2)
Bindrune Magic (4)
Angels & Faeries (16)
Briar Bestiarium (2)
Children of the Night by Briar (18)
Dharma Charms (18)
Elemental Talismans (5)
Gemstones (16)
Mediaeval Magick Charms (11)
The Lost Treasures of Albion by Briar (15)
Cartabijou (9)
Celtic Astrology (14)
Celtic Birth Charms (17)
Celtic Birth Charms silver plated (4)
Celtic High Crosses (12)
Celtic Sorcery (7)
Chinese Star Signs (12)
Crosses (12)
Crystal Hearts (12)
European Star Signs (13)
Faeris (14)
Fairy Magick (15)
Fairy Wonderland (3)
Feng Shui (14)
Fire & Ice (8)
Flower Power (7)
Forbidden (19)
Galraedia (17)
Greenwood (15)
Heart Stone Pendants (12)
Hearts (18)
Inca Achala (5)
India (7)
Jewel of Atum Ra (7)
Legends of Rhiannon (4)
Lucky Animals (12)
Lucky Clover (19)
Magical Pentagrams (14)
Magical Talismans (18)
Mystic Kabbalah (13)
Mythic Celts (14)
Myths and Legends (13)
Nordic Folk Heritage (28)
Nordic Lights (16)
Ogham (6)
Rob Ray Celtic Pendants (26)
Rune Charms (15)
Runestones (24)
Sacred Geometry by Klaus Bamberg (11)
Sigils of the Craft (20)
Sigils of the Craft (silver plated) (12)
Silver Dreams (20)
Star Charms (2)
Symbols of Ancient Times (24)
Talismans of the Knights Templar (16)
Talismans Pentacles (13)
Templars (13)
Tiki (6)
Totem Animals (5)
Trove of Valhalla (17)
Tumbled Stone Pendants (12)
Voodoo Charms (12)
Weapons and Helmets (10)
Zodiac Constellation Pendants (12)